kleding lang dragen is duurzaam

Wearing clothes for a long time is sustainable

It seems simple but we are not always aware of it.
Wearing clothes for a long time is sustainable.
Because the longer you wait to throw it away, the later the item of clothing must be replaced by a new one.
It’s no different for scarves.
When you have a special scarf hanging in your wardrobe, you will wear it for a long time.
And a special scarf ensures that you can brighten up and reuse old clothing.
At Staatjebeeldig you are in the right place because our scarves are unique, original, in many colors and styles and made non-polluting.
A sustainably made scarf that you will continue to wear for many years therefore scores twice for the environment.

Fast fashion or quality

kleding lang dragen is duurzaam

Fast fashion clothing has a short lifespan, because it is the intention that garments are quickly replaced by new ones.
It is a successful business model that also has serious consequences for the environment.
Not only are cheap fabrics often not made in a clean way.
They wear out quickly otherwise the turnover rate is jeopardized.

Otherwise it is for a good quality scarf.
It is not only beautiful, but also durable.
By investing in a special scarf, you can be sure that you can wear it for a long time.
In addition, a good quality scarf is often made of sustainable materials, which is not only good for you, but also for the environment.
No microplastics disappear in nature when you choose honest materials.

Are you looking for a scarf of good quality, sustainably made, that you can wear for a long time, then you have come to the right place at TheHappyScarf!

Tips for less textile waste

There are several ways to reduce textile waste. Here are some suggestions:

wearing clothes for a long time is sustainable

  • Buy less clothes and opt for quality over quantity.
  • Donate or sell clothes you no longer wear.
  • Repair clothes instead of throwing them away.
  • Recycle textile waste by using it as a cleaning cloth or insulation material.

There are also several projects and initiatives that focus on reducing textile waste.

Household textiles and CO2 emissions

Textile waste has a major impact on the environment.
According to the European Environment Agency, purchasing textiles in the EU in 2017 caused CO2 emissions of approximately 654 kg per person*¹.
In the Netherlands, the total weight of household textiles in circulation in 2019 was *5,438 kilotonnes, which is 10 percent more than in 2015².

Sources: De impact van textielproductie en -afval op het milieu (infografiek). https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/nl/headlines/society/20201208STO93327/de-impact-van-textielproductie-en-afval-op-het-milieu-infografiek Geopend 18-4-2023.
(2) Steeds meer textiel in Nederland – Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/nieuws/2021/05/steeds-meer-textiel-in-nederland Geopend 18-4-2023.

This is how TheHappyScarf cares for nature

wearing clothes for a long time is sustainable colors from plants

When you take into account that clothing is sustainable for a long time, you also consciously opt for better quality.
And that quality is in our traditionally woven scarves.
Our weavers add two more sustainable features.

For example, the mass cultivation of cotton requires a lot of water.
This does not apply to the cotton of our scarves.
The rainy season gives our cotton plants more than enough water for small-scale cultivation.
So rivers and water supplies do not have to suffer.

About 20% of the world’s clean water pollution is caused by the dyes and finishes used by the textile industry.
We don’t participate in that.
Our yarns are dyed and fixed with plants and flowers from nature.
The organic waste water therefore does not pollute nature.

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