ecological dye for clothing

Ecological dye for clothing

From the very beginning, we use ecological paint for our clothes. Ecological paint is made with renewable raw materials and has a low eco-footprint. This is because the waste materials are easily degradable.

blue ecological paint for clothing
weaving our scarves on a wooden loom
terracotta scarf with pink band

Our weavers use the traditional dyeing techniques of their parents and grandparents. They use raw materials that grow near their homes. And they have a good reason for it. After all, the water in which they dye their yarn flows through the rivers and fields near their village. And polluted water directly affects the quality of the crops and meat they grow and eat. Recently, we have also started to see more interest in ecological dyes for clothes in the West. This can be seen, for example, in the following report.

Bio-colour should help

“Rivers suffer from colourful fashion, so organic colour must help” is the title of a news report written by NOS on 15 May (read the article here). This article explains that dyeing textiles in bright colours is highly polluting. For example, the World Bank says that 20 per cent of clean water pollution from paint and chemicals comes from the textile industry. The fashion industry is aware of this and startups and researchers are developing natural textile dyes, without chemicals.

orange ecological paint for clothing
blue ecological paint for clothing
purple ecological paint for clothing

Education and awareness

We can only welcome this trend in the fashion world. The more information and understanding there is about ecological dye, the more our scarves and shawls are appreciated. We can see that it is alive and well by the enthusiastic response from visitors who discover our website.

The wait now is for clothing shops and consumers to further catch on to this development. And in the meantime, we continue to offer our beautiful scarves and shawls. Woven with yarn that was dyed in a bath of ecological dye. Clothing made with respect for health and preservation of the environment.


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