mobile loom

Make your own loom of bamboo and yarn

Do you want to make your own loom? You may find inspiration by watching this video. In Northern Thailand, weaving is done on a loom of yarn and bamboo. Our weaver Daa shows how she makes the most beautiful cotton fabrics on her loom.

And maybe this is the stepping stone to a beautiful weaving career

Make your own loom like in Northern Thailand

Daa comes from a mountain village in the north of Thailand.
She weaves according to the ancient tradition of her Karen ancestors.
And she does that with only yarn, bamboo and a lot of patience.

You need a lot of patience and care. You can see that in this video in which we show the entire process.

Making your own loom with warp and weft

When you connect threads crosswise, you are weaving.
You start by tensioning wires that run parallel to each other.
Those tensioned threads are called warp.
Then you insert other threads at right angles to the warp.
Those other threads are called weft.

Weaving on a cool loom

In the pre-TheHappyScarf age, I thought you could only weave on a large loom. A loom was, to me, a wooden construction with an incomprehensible tangle of threads on it.

When we visit the weavers in the countryside in the North, we see looms everywhere. Usually they are in a cool place under the house.

But now that I’ve delved more into weaving, I know that there are other types of weaving devices as well. Like Daa’s weaving frame, for example.

Small, fine and mobile

Weaving can be done on machines of all sizes and shapes. You can also weave on a small simple loom. The major advantage of such a smaller weaving frame is its mobility. It can be moved easily.

Sometimes it is a portable wooden construction on which the warp is stretched. A wooden window where the wood is connected to each other.

But it doesn’t necessarily have to have a frame around it to be able to weave.

Like Daa I hadn’t seen anyone weave before

Daa has been weaving for years on a loom attached to a tree or wall. The other end she pulls tight with her body.

No computers or complicated machines, but bamboo and physical strength. That’s another way to do it.

Also do?

When you see Daa at work, it doesn’t seem that difficult.

Are you as patient as Daa? Did you feel like trying it yourself?

Wood (it doesn’t necessarily have to be bamboo), patience and yarn is all you need. And it’s affordable.

It may take some practice before you get the same result as in the video. But in the end it’s all about having fun with it. That you experience what it is like to weave a beautiful fabric.

And maybe this is the stepping stone to a great weaving career. Who knows, you may soon be making the most beautiful fabrics.

buy yarn online

Have fun weaving!



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